Monday, December 30, 2019

Carnivores of the Kalahari Desert Free Essay Example, 2250 words

The average amount of rainfall it receives per year is estimated to be between 76 and 190 mm of rain per year (Thomas & Shaw, 2009). The area is surrounded by the Kalahari basin, which covers about 2,500,000 square kilometers extending further into Namibia, South Africa and Botswana, and intruding into sections of Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia. The Okavango is the only permanent river that flows into the delta in the northwest, forming wetlands that are rich in wildlife (Thomas & Shaw, 2009). Primeval riverbeds known as the Omuramba pass through the Central Northern stretches of the Kalahari and supply stagnant pools during the rainy season (Ownes, 2012). In the past, the riverbeds were mostly havens for wild animals in the desert ranging from elephants to giraffes, and predators such as lion and cheetah (Ownes, 2012). Currently, the riverbeds are mainly grazing lands although some predators such as leopard and cheetah can still be found. Climate The word Kalahari is acquired from the Tswana term Kgala that can be directly translated to mean a waterless place (Owens, 2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Carnivores of the Kalahari Desert or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The Kalahari is vastly covered by red sand and does not have any permanent surface water. However, the Kalahari cannot be referred to as a true desert. Sections of the Kalahari receive 250 millimeters of erratic rainfall every year and are quite vegetated. The Kalahari is only actually arid in the southwest with less than 175 mm of rain every year, making the desert a fossil desert. The temperatures during summer ranges from 20 to 50 o C (Thomas & Shaw, 2009). The Kalahari Desert is extremely hot during the day. There are however no cloud to keep the heat on the ground at night. Therefore, it is often extremely cold at night. The desert sometimes experiences thunderstorms during the summer. Carnivores in the Kalahari Desert Spotted Hyena Spotted hyenas survive at relatively very low densities compared to other areas(Mills, 2008). They are quite specialized on gemsbok calves which are thinly and widely distributed. Their versatility enables them to travel vast distances to find them. They live in slightly larger clans of up to 80 hyenas making up one clan. Unlike other carnivores in the Kalahari, the spotted hyenas often hunt any species (Mills, 2008). The only exemption they make is on the buffalo and the giraffe, which are a bit too large for them. Unlike the brown hyena, the spotted hyena is a predator and not a scavenger. It is the only carnivore capable of coexisting in the same ecological niche as the lion, and pose as some form competition when it comes to hunting of the prey.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Project Management A Project Manager Essay - 1533 Words

In project management, there are many methods to handle how the project should be completed, how an ethical situation should be handled, what types of decisions should be made. Furthermore, how much knowledge the project manager should possess, their focus of completing the job on budget and schedule, and understand the scope, as well as, knowing how to communicate. When I completed OGL 320: Foundations of Project Management, I understood the hard work the project manager had to endure to complete a successful project. They are the individuals who are responsible, knowledgeable, and are great communicators with a mindset of completing an outstanding project. I feel that I boosted my knowledge and grew throughout the OGL 321: Project Leadership class during this Fall of 2016. Sharing our experiences regarding the simulations to the module discussion paper that are completed at the end of each module has acquired me to understand what can be accomplished with different strategies. Each module discussion paper provided me an insight of the project manager’s challenges, and what are the main important points to complete a project with success. In addition, this class assisted me in recognizing and concentrating in areas, such as, principles, practices, and leadership. Project management requires a solid management plan focusing on scope and scheduling risks, communication, good decision making, how to deal with uncertainties, ethics, and to practice the situational leadershipShow MoreRelatedProject Management Project Manager Project1011 Words   |  5 PagesProject managers cannot, and must not, do everything. They must rely on the project team to complete the project work. Project managers must find ways to motivate the project team to complete the work. There is a tendency, in many projects, for the project team to be very excited about the project at the start and then excitement wanes as the project moves toward completion. The project manager must coach and mentor to develop the project team to ensure the excitement, willingness, and dedicationRead MoreProject Management For A Project Manager Essay1460 Words   |  6 Pagesavailable to support the project manager In order to run a project, the manager needs support with different things such as resources, tools and methodologies. Project Resources In order to make a project, the project manager needs some help with the project resources. Resources like information will be useful to Feltram Solutions Inc. as current information is required in order to develop new project and features of it. With the help of old/current information, the manager can include new functionsRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager1684 Words   |  7 Pages CT5022 Project Management ASS 1 Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role of an IT project Manager, focusing on how these attributes combine to facilitate good project management. Jennifer Quinn s1306997 Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role of an IT project Manager, focusing on how these attributes combine to facilitate good project management. â€Æ' Identify and discuss attributes that you consider to be key to the role ofRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager1747 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Project management (PM) is the vocation of seeing that projects are completed on time, within budget, and perform to the standard that the stakeholders are expecting. There are PM degrees available at the Associate, Bachelor, Graduate, and Ph.D. levels of study; degrees are available on campus and online from many well-known and highly rated institutes. However, many employers view the Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate as even more important than a degree. Project managersRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager1120 Words   |  5 PagesProject management involves carefully organized and planned efforts channeled towards the accomplishment of a particular task. Projects encompass activities such as implementing new computer systems or constructing a new office. Projects require careful monitoring from the start to the completion. One person mandated to take charge of projects is a project manager. Project managers experience complications from project manag ement. The challenges arise from the dynamic environment in which the managersRead MoreProject Management : The Project Manager1292 Words   |  6 PagesHowever, ethically, no person should be singled out for project failure unless it is the project manager. In the end, he or she is the one assigned the ultimate task of ensuring the project is completed. Although the project manager is in charge of ensuring the task gets completed, sometimes a task can fail despite the project manager’s best efforts. In these cases of project incompletion or failure, it should be said that the team failed. This is the most ethical result in this sense becauseRead MoreProject Management : Project Manager2272 Words   |  10 PagesIdeally, the requirement for an IS project would be specified in some detail before planning begins. If the requirement is not detailed enough, what steps can the project manager take to improve the likelihood of the project’s success? If the project manager does not know what the requirements for a project are, he can’t effectively begin to make a project plan. The level of detail required changes depending on the scope of the project. The more complicated the project (i.e. the larger the scope), theRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager1030 Words   |  5 Pagesbetween a project manager and a project leader. This is because a good project manager really is a good project leader. He or she has gone through specific training to take them from just being a project manager to being an influential and motivational project leader. There are these additional skills a project manager has to develop to take them from simply being a project manager to a project leader who inspires people to higher achievements and accomplishments and not just managers of their workRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager2515 Words   |  11 PagesA Project manager is the individual who has the general obligation re garding the fruitful start, arranging, outline, execution, checking and controlling. The work s title is used every bit a component of the evolution, construction planning, data innovation and a broad scope of commercial project that deliver items and giving medications. The project supervisor must take in a mix of aptitudes including a mental ability to ask entering inquiries, recognize implicit suppositions and resolution clashesRead MoreProject Management : A Project Manager2065 Words   |  9 PagesA project is managed by a project manager. It has to be managed so there will not be any mistake during the production. A project manager has to be an organized, and enthusiastic person who can lead the project to success. A good project managers make the goal by their own and they use their skills and share their purpose to the project team. Becoming a project manager is difficult. They have a lot of roles to maintain the project running fluently. They should calculate all the things needed for

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Critical Analysis on the Philosophy of Education Free Essays

A philosophy of education, as a requirement for admission to any sort of education program, has within it the inherent fault that it may not be a truthful reflection of the applicant. Defining an instructor’s philosophy, in regards to any area of supposed expertise, often results in page upon page of self-platitudes, false impressions and the required buzzwords. Does such an exercise actually reflect on the true actions and intentions of the instructor in regards to his methodology, success and creativity in the classroom setting? Does it accurately reflect his relationship to his students, and vice versa? Is such a philosophy something that can be accurately described in mere words, or is it something better viewed in the physical space of learning? It appears that most philosophies beg, borrow and steal from the latest theories of what is considered to be the well-rounded educator. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Analysis on the Philosophy of Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now The writer is forced to fill the required assignment with various educational stances and statements while often never developing their own personal mission statement. They are often afraid to say what they truly believe in, instead stating what they think those that judge the work are seeking. Such a philosophy can be seen on paper, but is it visible in the classroom setting? Can you tell how talented, or horrible, a teacher I am from this simple reading? Or would a trip into my classroom for an entire day give a more comprehensive and factual assessment of my true educational philosophy. My philosophy, or what I practice everyday in the educational setting, is simple and memorable. This philosophy, which has so far been successful in my short career, is to actually know your students and treat them as individuals. When teaching becomes difficult, always remember that they are only kids. Each one is vastly different than the next, and no two are even remotely alike. Each has varied interests, faults, problems, successes and distractions. Each has different, though not necessarily wrong, expectations, results and goals. There are no perfect students, and each must be evaluated on their own personal gains. The first step in accomplishing this philosophy of respect is focused, as everything should be, on the student. So often teachers grumble about the absence of respect aimed towards them, all the while ignoring the need for the student’s own validation of worthiness as an individual and simply not an occupied seat. Every year, six or seven students are removed from other classes and placed into mine. In each instance, demeaning remarks from an instructor orlack of communication? is the reason for the switch. I have found adapting my approach towards these students is often all that is needed to seem some educational gains. Does this mean that every student succeeds? Of course not, but those that make the effort without simply giving up do succeed, even if it is unnoticed by others. I attempt to do simple enforcement of this philosophy everyday in, and out of, the classroom. For example, I attempt to avoid being patronizing and condescending. I recommend teachers actually listen to the students when they talk, and when they do not utter a word. Treat all students the same, but also as individuals who are each unique in their own incredible way. They are just kids, so don’t expect perfection. It is fine to set reasonable and challenging goals for students in relation to their skills and talents, but to expect them to live up to unattainable standards, such as your own, dooms them to failure. Know their limitations, and your own. All of this involves the instructor to take the time, effort and interest in actually knowing each student as the individual they truly are, both in and outside of the school setting. Failure to do so limits the effectiveness of any type of learning endeavor. The only losers in such a situation are the students themselves and may be detrimental to the entire educational process. Such loss that may possibly be subtle enough to go unnoticed by all those involved. My education philosophy is not one thousand words in length, nor do I believe that any such personal mission statement should be expected to accomplish this feat. To do so would cloud its importance in vague assumptions and possibly pompous platitudes. It should be seen every day in the success, failure, effort, sacrifices, and abilities of the individual student, not in words and phrases with questionable intentions. Such a value statement can only be seen in the educational setting. How to cite Critical Analysis on the Philosophy of Education, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Modern Advancements Have Made the Life Easy free essay sample

The pace of development and change has accelerated exponentially since the beginning of the 20th century and continues today, affecting many aspects of daily modern life. Good morning one and all. I, stand before you to express my supporting views on the topic that modern advancements have made the life easy. There are different fields in which modernisation has affected our lives and have helped us in saving time, cost and efforts thus making human life more enjoyable and meaningful. The areas are many but but due to time constant I have chosen only four key fields which will clearly support the topic when we will look at their past and present scenarios and advantages to mankind. These are- Advancements in Information technology, Medical field, Robotics and Transportation. Information technology It used to take weeks to pass on the information through post which is now possible within seconds with the help of Computers and internet. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Advancements Have Made the Life Easy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Computers can also keep all your records safe, mobile, tidy and easily accessible which was not possible earlier. Using internet, One can work from home and learn about almost anything. Transportation One of main reasons why consumer goods are cheap and available in developed countries is because of advances in transportation. You can eat food, wear clothes and play games all made in different, far-off countries because of planes, trucks, supertankers and roads that didnt exist a century ago. You can also travel to almost anywhere in the world in a day or two, instead of months. Everything is more accessible. Robotics Robotics is the latest advancement in the field of technology and science. There are many advantages of robots such as Robots rarely make mistakes and are more precise than human workers. They can produce a greater quantity of work in a short amount of time. They can work at a constant speed with no breaks. They can do any kind of work they are programmed to. They reduce human efforts and time and can do various dangerous tasks which a man simply cannot. Medicines Advances in medicine have allowed people to live longer and healthier lives. Antibiotics and vaccines might have saved your life, and have definitely kept someone you know alive. With advancement in the medical field, the average life expectancy has gone up to 65 years which was 57 years in 1990. This fact clearly indicates that medical advancement have improved the health of masses. To conclude, we must agree from above examples that modern advancements have definitely made our lives easy. Thank you.